Media Language Analysis

Thursday 7th October 2021

Media Language Analysis

Lo: To analyse a media text using Media Language.

The poster, features a medium long shot, because if it used a mid shot, it would miss the holster on his leg. It adds character to it and makes it intriguing, it reminds me personally of a Assassin. His clothing makes him look ordinary, so he can most certainly blend in with middle class people, many people do this; it's called going in disguise. The clothes look new, so it looks like he just bought it, because then he could look more casual. The watch he's wearing looks expensive, so he's probably rich. The gloves make him look even more like a assassin because he's probably wearing them to block himself from being tracked and arrested from leaving fingerprints behind. The gold spray painted walls, make it look more expensive, so he stands out. 007 is also spray painted on the wall onto of the gold, along with being in the name. This could be the number of what assassin he is in a organisation. His face is stoic, emotionless and unbothered; he looks serious and ready to kill.

The trailer is very thrilling, the cars, the car chases,explosions, guns and fist fighting. The cars have really loud engines and they were driving very fast. The cars even skidded and the tyre screech from the car chase.  There was also a giant explosion, which was probably really loud. The fist fights were adding suspension.

The Hunger Games is a close up shot it's used because it shows the main character and her skill closer up. You can't really see her clothes. The bow and arrow represents how she won. The burning Mocking Jay represents the symbol of good luck. Her face is stoic showing she is neither happy nor is she sad.

Thursday 14th October 2021

Media Language Analysis.

Group 3: Editing

Editing is used in pretty much every, picture, video, movie, tv series, magazine; everything in media. So it's no surprise that 'Dune' used it too. Like if something was filmed in the Uk, but meant to be a fantasy world, it would most probably have a green screen and have the background edited in behind. Another way especially in dune, a gun shot, or a explosion; even fighting is edited in. E.g the sound, the weapon being used, etc. They edit mystical things in, like in Harry Potter, Dobby is CGI. However, in dune, it is peoples eyes.


  1. This is a great first analysis Molly! Well done.
    WWW: you've used lots of accurate terminology
    EBI: you try to use the term 'connotes' or 'connotations' as well.


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