Lights! Camera! Action!

Monday 8th November 2021

Lesson 4:

Lo: To explore the use of camera work.

1. Movement of the camera, either up or down. 

2. Movement of the camera from side to side, rotating movement.

3. Movement of camera tripod from left to right.
4. Paning shot

Monday 22nd November 2021
Settings and Colour
Lo: To explore the use of settings and colour.
1. A director may use a rural setting for a horror movie, because it will be gloomy and it will be isolated so it would look more abandoned, they use pathetic paralysis.
2. A director could use a big city for an action film, because it would be much busier because then everything will be harder to do, like jumping over cars, jumping across buildings.

3. A director could use a small seaside town for a romantic comedy.

1.  A director could choose red and blue because blue resembles power and strength and red resembles blood shed. Just like bright red and sapphire blue make super man .

Avengers Endgame Trailer

The action takes place in many settings, including cities, cliffs, and safe places where the characters meet up. The action takes place in places that seem more dangerous and eerie. I think it's set up that way because there are so many avengers and so many different people. I predict the genre would be science fiction because it's about scientists who accidentally create a virus and fail to escape the virus.

Monday 17th January 2022

Sound In Film

Lo; to explore the use of sounds in films.


 1. In a horror film, I would expect eerie music and loud noises like creaking, screaming and more.

2. Upbeat music that raises the tension and makes you wonder what will happen next, they also have loud noises, like gunshots, revving engines, and glass breaking, etc.

3. In a thriller, there is suspenseful music especially when they want to keep you on edge.

4. A comedy movie, would have laughing noises and common known songs or basic comedy songs.

5. Sci-fi movies, have kinda futuristic music if not computer sounds, it may have alien sounds and things that are similar.

Remember - 

Diegetic - sounds you would hear if you were in the scene. E.g - Someone speaking, footsteps, music on a radio.

Non Diegetic - Sounds that only the audience can hear. E.g - Narration, internal dialogue, music.

The Matrix

Diegetic - Dialogue, fighting, gunshots, the explosion.

Non Diegetic - Music, narration.

Is the reproduction of everyday sounds use in film making.
These reproduced sounds can be anything from the swishing of clothing, to the breaking of glass; and slamming of doors. 
It helps give the film the hint of reality the film needs, instead of taking it out of the view. 
You have to think about how you make the sounds so it doesn't sound fake, or else it ruins the entire scene.
You also edit the sounds that you have previously made to add the finishing touch in the sound department. 
It makes the sounds bigger than life.
They use hundreds of techniques just to keep it real and interesting for the audience's entertainment. 
They add voice overs and sound over the original scene so it doesn't sound terrible. 
They have to meet the obvious expectation of themselves and the directors. 
The microphones collect to much unneeded sound, so they get rid of some of it to replace with ones they can control and perfect themselves, with all different techniques. 

The Present
Clanking of the crutches before we know what they're going to be.
Dog sliding along the carpet.
Mum putting the box on the table in front of the boy, th loudness.
The box scuffling along the floor.
The boy kicking the ball.
The boys breathing.
The dog barking.

 1.There is music in the trailer.
2. The music is spooky and send chills down your spine.
3. When someone speaks the suspense in the music goes up.
4. The picture changes when the music does
5. The music creates the feel for the scene, the picture and the music relate to one another.
6. The moments of silence in the music so you can hear the speaking like it's important information.
7. Characters  speak without knowing what's going on in the trailer and can tel what it's briefly about with some little snippets and spoilers.
8. The fat and friends yet a little aggressive guy.
9. There is lots of sound effects like screeching cars, guns being shot a loaded, and helicopter noises.
10. Sounds like gunshots, bombs; should be louder so it's realistic.

Monday 31st January 2022


Lo: to explore the use of mis-en-scene in films.

Mise-en-scene is made up of 5 areas;

1. Settings and props.

2. Costume, hair & make up.

3. Facial expressions & Body Language.

4. Lighting and Colour.

5. Positioning of characters/objects within the frame.

Settings and props:

Settings & locations play an important part in film making and are not just 'backgrounds'.

Sets are either built from scratch or a great deal of time is spent to find a setting which already exists.

Settings can manipulate an audience by building certain expectations and then taking a different turn.

1. A Science-fiction film; are normally set in the future or in space or even a different world. So it could be a science lab, or a city, or a desert, etc. The props would be a space ship or a science jacket, etc.

2. A Romantic comedy; are typically set in the city and typically have wine glasses, roses, proposal ring.

3. A horror movie is often set in a remote area, in a house or in some sort of creepy setting like a forest or anything like that, the props could be bloody, weapons grave stones, flickering lights, leave-less trees, rustling leaves, misty stormy weather, etc.

Costume, hair & make up

Costume, hair & make up act as an instant indicator to us of a character's personality, status & job.
It tells us immediately whether the film is set in the present and what society/ or culture it will centre around.
Certain costumes can signify certain individuals (i.e black cloak of a vampire, Spidey's Spiderman suit). 

Regina George; she looks like your typical blonde mean girl that's a right out narcissistic and thinks the world revolves around her. She's definitely rich, and her favourite colour is 100% pink. She's the typical skinny pretty, self centred american rich girly, make up loving stuck up girl. 

Facial Expressions & Body Language
Facial expressions provide a clear indicator of how someone is feeling. 

If someone is smiling broadly, we assume they are happy but we may get a different feeling if this is accompanied by scary music.

Body language may also indicate how a character feels towards another character or may reflect the state of their relationship.

The image on the left has high tension and the daughter looks sad, or fed up because she is staring down at the table avoiding eye contact. The father however, looks more angry and is shouting at his teenage daughter whilst the mother looks annoyed at the father as well.

The image on the left looks like a gang who have previously been fighting with the people they are facing.

Lighting & Colour

Lighting & colour can be used to achieve a variety of effects;

To highlight important characters or objects within the frame.
To make characters look mysterious by shading sections of the face & body.
To reflect a characters mental state/hidden emotions (i.e bright = happy. Dark = disturbed. Strobe effect = confused.)

Low key lighting - produces sharp contrasts of light and dark areas. 
Deep, distinct shadows/silhouettes are formed. 

High key lighting = lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes. 
produces brightly lit sets or a sunny day. 

The lighting and colour suggest that this scene is in a gloomy place in a mysterious style of things. they are in a mysterious film, listening to an old phone.

Positioning of people/objects. (blocking)

Positioning within a frame can draw our attention to an important character/object. 
A film-maker can use positioning to indicate relationships between people. 

The positioning in the first picture shows they aren't best friends and probably are angry at each other or even hate each other. It's from the break up. 

The other picture is juxtaposed, meaning they are friends or partners and work well together. It's from Man in black.

 Monday 14th February 2022 - Lights, Camera, Action!
Lo; To experiment with foley and sound effects.

The props are all made of gold and the features of the room makes it seem as though he is in a mansion or even a palace. However it clearly shows he's not from this time and neither is the setting. The costumes look like they are guards and he is a scruffy man possibly a pirate. The two men either side of him seem to be stoic while he looks to be explaining something. The lighting is candle light showing they clearly don't have electricity adding to the fact they are not from this time. Their positions seem to be that they are holding a gun in their outer hands and holding him as if he's a prisoner, they seem to be facing someone possibly their boss.  

1000 years in the future

I think that the scientists would be wearing long white lab coat and glasses. They would be in a lab but it wouldn't be a science one it would be a really cool looking one, with dark blues and black colour furniture and bright green neon lights to give it the best sci-fi image. The alien would be small and not moving. Around the room would be many other scientists using all these futuristic machines that are scattered around the room. The lab would have windows and would be on mars. There would be skin factors on the walls of past experimented on aliens and creatures on these foreign planets. There would be hand held devices to store things in. There would be floating cars and the scientists would no longer walk they would levitate. The lab would be silent because they are each in a bubble that blocks out the noise. The bubble would be soundproof and be in a small pack so you can open it whenever. To open it you press a button and the grows and swallows you inside of it. It doesn't stop you from moving. The people no longer have facial expressions because they have things to show emotion for them.  


My disaster movie

Lo; to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie.


Characters; Man, Woman, families, children.

Settings; boat, sea.

Actions; running, talking, holding onto things, drowning, boat sinking

props; meals, beds, boats, necklace, bag.

Colour; Dark blues, bright necklaces, black red, browns, deep colours, white.

Narration; Snippets on convo to share small details of story.

Hidden Figures;

Characters; 3 black women, boss, astro physicists.

Settings; Nasa research facility

Actions; hard work, getting racially profiled by the police, prejudice.

Props; books, computers, missiles.

Colours; all.

Narrative; black woman proving they are just as good as any white man. 

The tunnel

Characters; girl, woman, man

settings; quiet place in the norwegien mountains

actions; people trapped, dangerous rescues, explosions,

props; vehicles 

color; darkness

narrative; safety in tunnels.

The impossible

Characters; families, natives, tourists, man, woman, children.

Settings; Paradise, Asia, island, Thailand.

actions; Search for mom, dad, children, fight for life.

props; water, wood, rubble.

colour; blue, hints of yellow.

narrative; Tsunami, survival, after math, finding family.

Ad Astra;

Characters; Space crew, father son

Settings; space, another planet, space ship.

Actions; explosions, dramatics, space mission

Props; space ship, space suit

Colours; white, black red, grey, silver,

Narrative; threat to life, solar system.

A true loves kiss;

1. Across Italy, enhanced sirens that can now walk on land, lure men into the water; and can now turn women into sirens whilst sacrificing children to their queen. A man and a woman, meet an fall in love, she gets turned into a siren, eventually killing him brutally.

2. My film is set in venice, 3047

3. Horror and mystery. The sirens can morph into anyones body, taking control of their life.

4. There will be a lot of cgi because it is needed to be underwater and it needs lots of special effects there will be lots of camera angles and povs, dark colours to match the theme.

Monday 4th April 2022

My disaster movie;

lo; to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie.

21/3- Good start to your idea, you need to add a main disaster. you also need to add more detail T 2. More detail in describing when and where your film is set.

The main disaster is when the woman who is trying to find out how to stop it with the man, gets turned into a siren and ends up killing and eating the man, causing her to go stronger and end up getting killed by her own best friend after she goes after her own family. In San Marco, Venice, Italy, on Spiaggia del Pozzillo. 


Equilibrium; everything in the film world is normal (not necessarily good, but it's normal)

Disruption; something happens (usually caused by the film's main antagonist) to disrupt normal life.

Recognition of disruption; the protagonist/s realise that something is wrong in their world or discover the disruption 

Attempt to solve ; the main protagonist goes on a journey to solve the disruption.

New equilibrium ; the disruption is solved and  a new normality's occurs ( things can never be the same as they were before the disruption, but a new 'normal life' is created.)

E- The human world is fine until the outbreak

D- The siren outbreak

R- She starts ti figure out why people are going missing.

A- She finds a siren, and trys to interrogate her

NE- She is turned into a siren herself.


The Hero; Rosemary The best friend

The Villian; Siren queen ( Harmony)

The donor; Able to turn into a human and a siren if they eat blood and flesh from humans 

The helper; Bassel (man the siren used to love)

The princess; Maximillian, the main protagonist.

The dispatcher;  Rosemary and Bassel

The princess' father; Harmony, Rosemary, Bassel.

The false hero;  Maximillian

Monday 16th May 2022

Script Writing and Story Boarding

Lo; To develop an idea for a disaster movie, and write a script and story board.


What started as a relaxing summer break, turned brutal when people began mysteriously disappearing. Maximillian Crescent begins following bread crumbs with her two trusty best-friends, Bassel and Rosemary. Nothing adds up, the blood along the shore, but no bodies, the sweet sounds of a forgotten melody in her dreams, and how weird everyone suddenly seems to be acting. The morning melodies that float around her, as she sleeps, as she swims, leaving a sudden temptation to follow it, unknowing to what it would lead to, would she die, or would she find whatever it was, maybe it was the thing she had been searching for all along. How would she know if it is even if she saw it? After all, it's not like she actually knew what she was looking for, a murderous something? Sounds absurd. Was it human? Of course it is, it's not like fantasy is real, it's all just make believe, right? 

1. Siren staring hungrily at  the humans and stomach grumbling.

2. Girl yawning, because she hasn't been sleeping due to melody in her sleep.

Script ideas; 

Maximillian; *Wakes up hearing a strange melody, beginning to follow where it leads to, she walks into the water, completely hypnotised. The siren begins to lure her deeper and drown her, she realises its her best friend, before waking up screaming.*

Lorenzo; *Runs into her room, to see what's wrong with her*

Maximillian;*Sat up in her bed, breathing heavily with her head pounding with high singing*

Lorenzo ; "What's wrong?"

Maximillian ; "Just a nightmare"

Lorenzo ; "Again?"

Maximillian; She nods, laying back down as he leaves and a little later, she wakes up and actually walks into the vapour in the ocean following the melody, until she begins drowning, until she is turned into a siren. 

Inside out

1. Rylee moves into a new house and her emotions are mixed

2. She goes to school and feels left out and therefore her emotions change to negative

3. Joy realises that there is something wrong and reminds her of good memories

4. She goes to try and relive the memories, to make her feel safe again

5. Rylee becomes and happier person in general.

Monday 6th June 2022


Lo;  to explore how a film is made and the various industry roles.

Target 3; 


 (MAXI wakes up hearing a strange melody, beginning to follow where it leads to, she walks into the water, completely hypnotised. The SIREN begins to lure her deeper and drown her, she realises its her best friend, before waking up screaming.)

(BASSEL runs into MAXI room)

(MAXI is sat up in her bed, breathing heavily with her head pounding with high singing)


"What's wrong?'


"Just a nightmare"



(MAXI nods, laying back down as he leaves and a little later, she wakes up and actually walks into the vapour in the ocean following the melody, until she begins drowning, until she is turned into a siren.)


(MAXI follows the singing till she comes across the same view as she saw in her dream. She steps into the water listening to the singing)


"Beauties of the sea,"


"The sea."

(The SIREN backing into the deeper water as MAXI follows her, repeating the words back to her the water already up to her face as she sees the sirens true face. Fighting to get away from her, but the Siren is much stronger. Eventually drowning her.)


Graphic Artist - 
A graphic artist works on ads, music videos and logos, they use logos and texts to manipulate images to what they want it to be using colour and artistic values to get the image they want.
A salary for this type of artist has the average pay from $80,000 - $120,000 / £63,800 - £ 95,500.
Most make up to £500 per day if not more, not including rush value fees or holding rates. 
However, the Graphic Artists have long hours and when starting up in this position many people work late nights to stop them from falling behind. It is a tricky career but a steady one long term. The hours tend to be 10+ hours a day, normally spending 5 hours on job and 6 hours off at a time. They have a very flexible schedule and are free to do pretty much whatever they want as long as they complete the piece within the allocated time they are given. They tend to work 6 -7 days a week picking up and leaving jobs whenever they so please. 
Graphic Artists typically work on Post Supervisor. In this job internships are THE most important.

A scriptwriter typically produces 8-9 scripts a day meaning almost 50+ scripts a week, making it over 2,000 scripts a year. They build up the themes of the story or play. They plan and write choreographing the entire script to make sure the actors keep to the right positions saying the right line. The industry standard is 12- point courier. The scriptwriter makes typically $67,800 but $110,000 per full script. 

Three stages of film production; 
1. Pre-Production.

  • The Empty Chair. The first great piece of advice I can give is to pull up an empty chair next to you. ...
  • The Script. ...
  • The Storyboarding. ...
  • The Locations. ...
  • The Scheduling & Permissions. ...
  • The Budget.




, production,




Editing the Content. The film post-production process typically begins with picture editing. ...
Sound Editing and Adding Music. ...
 Adding Visual Effects. ...
Sound Mixing. ...
Color Grading.


Theatrical exhibition
TV broadcast
VOD streaming 
DVD sales.

A budget that covers the costs of advertising through social media.
A film can be marketed with a poster; a teaser, a trailer, a sneak peak, a tv preview, behind the scenes, deleted scenes, magazines, newspaper. 

Monday 20th June 2022
Lights, Camera, Action; 
Movie Marketing:
Lo; to develop an effective film marketing strategy.

Do now;
- Ads
-Tv ads
-App ads
- Social Media
-Tik tok
-Newspaper Column
- Trailers
- Teasers
-Sneak Peaks
- Posters
- Word of mouth
-Behind the scenes
-Deleted scenes
- Big brand advertisement 
- Merchandise
- Interviews
-Talk shows
Do Now; 80%

Wreck it Ralph; Breaks the internet. 

1. You're most likely to see film posters on buses, on billboards, on light poles, on cinema or building windows. 

2. The distributors are trying to catch attention to the right people, aka the people their movie was created for, e.g- kids, adults, teenagers, men, women etc. They do this to collect as much money as possible because thats what the movie is created to do.

3. The title is bold, there is normally a picture of the main character and key information like dates it comes to cinema etc.

Disaster Movie Poster's;

The background is kinda blurred and is clear to say it's Nasa, however the women are in bright colours contradicting the darker and dull colours that are in the background. The font is kind of fancy but minimal and in a golden brown colour.

Everything is blue, the background blends as one with the main image it has small writing near the bottom and the font is very minimal and sticks together simply.

The background is plain and makes the characters stand out. The font is custom and clearly unusual. It has lots of writing on it.

Ice age has a bright and colourful background leading us to believe it's a children's movie, it clearly isn't very realistic and is a children's cartoon.

The movie Titanic II is a dark movie and you can tell something terrible will happen

Hidden figures has an obvious narrative clue as they are walking on a nasa launch pad, and there's a rocket behind them, also they are all black women meaning they were probably discriminated against in a pro dominantly white man's work place. This is clearly in the 1960's-1990's judging their clothing. The Genre is clearly downfall, disaster, and dominance/ discrimination. The font is simple but classic, it's golden brown and is perfect to match the scene that's going on in the poster. The background has a bland and boring background but closer to the camera and the women the colours brighten up. The image is perfectly clear for the women, however, very blurry for the background to make the women stand out. Quotes. Al Harrison : Here at NASA we all pee the same colour. They won numerous awards including; Screen actors Guild award for outstanding performance by a cast in a motion, NAACP Image award for Outstanding Actress in motion. MTV movie & Tv Award for best hero, etc. This movie has a 4.8/5 star rating and extremely high ratings and good comments for the accuracy the movie follows. 


  1. 21/3- Good start to your idea, you need to add a main disaster. you also need to add more detail T 2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set

  2. 16/5- Good work, T: 3. use the format of the script from my blog and extend your script.

  3. 4/7- 2: Look at 3 movie posters, start to create your own movie poster on photoshop using an image and text.


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