Theoretical Framework

 Thursday 30th September 2021

Lo: to apply the theoretical frame work to media texts

Theoretical Framework

Media Language - All different elements used to construct any media product. This covers terms used, how texts are constructed and the message they convey.

Camera work - Shot type, angle and movement. 

Soundtrack - What is included?

Miss-en-scene - what is included?

Editing - Transitions , pace and special effects.

Shot types:

Make t valuable and aesthetic , memorable.

Establishing shot: 

Geography and time of day. Can fit everything.

Wide shot: 

Positions are away to show location. Scale of subject.

Long shot/ Full shot:

Shows full body.

Medium long shot/ Medium full shot:

Confident/ Dangerous. Shows thighs, usually with weapons.

Mid shot:/ Medium shot:

Neutral shot, above waist to above head.

Medium close shot:

Common for magazines, mid chest to above head.

Close shot:

Change in motion, full face, emotion/ facial expression capture, neck upward. Dramatic/ anxiety. 

Extreme close up shot:

Isolated area, like ears, mouth ect.

Camera angles

High angles:

High up , makes character look vulnerable and weak.


Includes all sound heard in a film/ tv show

. Music, sound effects, dialogue and voiceover. It can be diegetic or non diegetic.

Diegetic is every sound you would hear, if you were inside of that scene, experiencing it in person.

Non- diegetic sounds are the ones that only the audience hears like voice overs and suspension music.

Diegetic sounds:

Glass breaking,


The air parting.

People falling

Everything that can be included in a frame, to be visible and put in place, e.g: actors, props , setting, costumes, hair and makeup, lighting, actor positioning body language and facial expression.

Post production: 


Pace & speed of cuts


Green screening



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