Music Industry

Live Lounge

Live Lounge

Lo; to research the radio industry.

Commercial broadcasting is primarily based on the practice of airing radio advertisements and television advertisements for profit. This is in contrast to public broadcasting, which receives government subsidies and usually does not have paid advertising interrupting the show.

For commercial there are radio stations such as, Heart, Pirate Fm, Kiss, and other radio stations including adverts. 

For public services such as Radio 1 has no ads. 

Commercial Radio:

Prior knowledge:

I know Pirate Fm's theme tune off by heart, and it only can be listened to from penzance to the Tamar. They play Pop-rock and roll, everything that is popular, this can be from Queen to Harry styles. Presenters Gina and Rick run the Radio at Pirate Fm. They play adverts for local people and businesses. They have people call in to guess what the sound is and other things to win money. They talk about local events; e.g road blockage, ferry delays, train delays, and more. 

Pirate Fm notes:

WWW: Music-Notes.

EBI: Adverts.

Monday 26th September 2022

PSB Radios

Lo; to research the radio industry,

What does the term Public Service Broadcast mean?

Public service broadcasting; is a service that benefits the public and not the rich people who would own it. 

Who funds PSB radio? 

We do, everyone pays for a Tv license to watch tv and it funds the BBC and others. The people pay for PSB radio, through the Tv license.


- Sam smith; unholy.

- Mental health day announcement

- Harry Styles; Adore you

- Billie Jean: Michael Jackson. 

- Harry Styles; As it was.

Monday 10th October 2022

Live Lounge

Lo; to research the case study artists involved, and to annotate in detail the examples in case study.

Raye research: 

Age; Raye is 24 years old born on the 24th October 1997.

Background: She grew up in London. And began her profession as a singer song writer in 2014. She is still active now. She went to school at Woodcote High School then  went Brit School later on. 

The genre Raye focuses on is R&B.

Raye has 4 albums and has 22 songs published. 

She has won 4 awards: Brit Award for song of the year. amongst others. 

Monday 31st October 2022

Ofcom, send certain rules to certain television/radio companies to tell them what the requirements for that said company is. 

1. There are ten National BBC Radio Stations. They spread news and information from around the world.
2. The BBC has over 50 regional radio stations.
3. The BBC is funded by licensing fund which provides 3.5 - 5 billion pounds a year. 
4. Commercial Radio is PSB's biggest competitor.
5.  Kiss, Virgin, Pirate FM, Heart.
6. Car, Radio, phone, electrical devices. 

The BBC radio 1 reaches an audience of the age 15-late twenties. They reach the audience they aim for by having interesting conversations about things they would be interested in aka; movies of 2010-present, music this month. They are energetic, and always exciting. They show live music, to keep people involved and interested. This stops the funding of 34.7 Million pounds a year cut. They let people phone in, and the top of the past few month, they have fit the atmosphere, of exam stress, anxiety which is most common in young adults aka; 15-29 year olds. 

BBC radio 2 reaches the target audience of 35 and above.It has music from a little earlier, to attract this age. They talk about money and crisis family issues. Where this would most attract people. They have people of this age to present to help people feel heard and welcomed into this radio.

BBC radio 4 reaches the older generation of around 50+ with again the presenters being around this age talking about serious topics, pensions and has slightly more formal language like people of this age tend to have. 

BBC radio attracts their audiences through the different genres of music that they play to create variety and diversity through their selection. This aims to get people of all ages, ethnicities, background and comforts to the radio. The radio offers music from Pop to Reggae music, allowing anyone to listen in and enjoy it.

The BBC has artists of all sorts of music that invites everyone in. There's Rihanna who can appeal to people in their 20's and 30's. And Lil Nas x who appeals to people around 16+ and people in their early 20's.

They use bright upbeat colours, pinks, purples and blues. They draw your attention in and show you what your interested in. They don't use many dark colours unless its to help highlight something. They can appeal to teenagers, with sleep exercises for people who struggle to sleep. They have artic monkeys which is popular in teenage girls and boys. 

They follow the music trends, including music from tiktok or other social media that can draw people around 12-17 in.

They have fun themes for halloween called murder mystery, for young adults to get you ready for a party this halloween. 


I listened to the radio in the car:

I found out that the people were young presenters.
They were talking of a few key topics, like cost of living. This is typically directed towards young adults/ teenagers. However, other adults might listen to it. The music taste isn't directed towards older people, but it is towards the younger generations. This is because of the music that was played; Family Line - Conan Gray.
Drivers license- Olivia Rodriguez. They talked about the new Priminister and how he talked about what he would bring to the country. This would appeal to the working people who would have to be around 18+ normally. Middle aged people with family especially.

Monday 14th November 2022

BBC Radio and audiences

Lo; to explore the BBC Radio contextual issues and the audience behind the live lounge. 

-The remit of radio one is to entertain listeners with a distinctive mix of contemporary music and speech. Its target audience is 15-29 year olds and it should also provide some programming for younger teenagers. 
-It should offer a range of new music, support for local artists- and provide a platform for local news, documentaries and advice campaigns should cover areas of relevance to young adults. 

An image that appeals to a young listeners aged 15-29.

An image that supports emerging artists.

An image that shows they show live music.

An image that shows they have advice campaigns relevant to young adults.

Funding Radio One License Fee:


 It appeals to younger audiences, via the presenters. Reflecting diversity through life hacks which educates people on their channels on realistic life problems. It also produces live music which is education through the live lounge. 


They think that popular music isn't important because they feel it's trashy and unnecessary and sometimes even distracting. They find that the issues they focus on aren't educating enough and won't make your wiser when it comes to what you take away from the show. 

Media convergence is a term that can refer to the merging of previously distinct media technologies and media forms sue to digitalisation and computer networking. 

The advantage for it being available on more than one platform, helps it be available for more people, makes it more accessible, and it serves a more wider target audience and therefore more people can listen to it where ever they are.


Regulation is done via of com, they decide whether the complaints are real, and they check if the people are following the rules, like not swearing before 9pm, etc. 

Plurality: ensuring there is a diversity of viewpoints available and consumed across and within media enterprises. preventing any one media owner or voice having too much influence over public opinion and the political agenda. 

Monday 12th December 2022

Uses and Gratification

Sweeney Todd: 
Entertaining - it's a funny, kind of soft

- On Live Lounge you can access the ip
layer and Aitch.
-Pale Waves and Dermot Kennedy.


-Episodes 2022+2020
-The mysteries.
-Donation of collaborated artists
-Links to Tv.

-Pop and mainstream music not seen as culturally significant, not as skilled as live music. 

-BBC remit requires live music. 

-More expensive for live, because of set up, musicians, singers, instruments, space. 

3 days of preparation wages for people involved in performance and production. 
6 professional singers employed as background singers have to learn words and melody.
Musical director- make a recorded song, translate the live performance added instruments, singers. works with the best in the business 
reversal space needs to be booked and payed for.

How does the live lounge appeal to the target audience meet the BBC remit?

- A variety of music genre 
- More people with a wide range of age who present the live lounge.

Monday 9th January 2023

The BBC radio remit is targeted towards the ages of 15-29 year olds, entertain young listeners , and gives more information and topics that would effect younger adults like people around the ages of 15-29. They support upcoming younger artists that are new to the industry rather than people who are american or famous already. You can access the News, Politics, and other national topics from across the UK. They follow a mix of music and programming for the young adult audience, they might also mention social media as social media is typically popular with people who are this target age. 

How does the Live Lounge appeal to the target audience and meet the BBC Remit?

-What could you include?
-Who are the audience?
-How is the audience appealed to?
-What is the remit?
-How is the remit met?
-What evidence from the show could you use to support your answer?

Key Information:
-You could include the age category; (15-29 years old). 
-They only target places in the UK; favourably London.
- The BBC remit is the mission that they target to act in the publics interest.
- They target young people who use social media.
-They use young presenters.
-Talk in slang and more casual tone.
-They talk about younger topics that are more likely to affect a young adult that is aged the target age, (15-29). 
-They have young english upcoming artists instead of the usual famous artists.

Exam Questions:
1. Address the question
2. An example  from the case study
3. Explain how this example targets the audience.
4. Link back to the question. (Target audience).

Live Lounge appeals to the target audience and is able to meet the BBC Remit; by setting goals and targets for example the age range, 15-29 years old. They do this by using young presenters that fit this age range, this lets us relate to the language they use for example, they use words like; sick, and lit. They also may talk about topics for people who are of the target age, (15-29); an example of this is Love Island or tiktok; and other social medias. Which aren't as popular with people older or younger than this age. The national issues that they cover aren't as serious as they are for someone who is older, for example a 30-45 year old would not be as interested in celebrity drama or reality tv shows, as someone who is 15-29 years old. Live lounge is national Radio, which means it is only for and talks about people in the UK, much like the rest of the BBC, however, although they are about the Uk as a whole, they focus on the big cities more than anything, and are more likely to get someone in from London than get someone in the studio from Cornwall. Live Lounge appeals to these people of the target age because they focus on what the people of this age typically want to hear or are interested on. Live lounge focuses on things like social media which is typically a site ruled by people who are around the ages of 15-29, because there are more things to interest people of this age where-as, people who are in their late thirties would not be as interested in things on social media because they are less interested in things like them, they mention Instagram and twitter several times specifically in one episode we listened to called 'self-esteem'. The Live Lounge follows the BBC's remit to act in the publics best interest, believing that this is a way to bring radio back to the BBC and interest more younger people into the radio. When the Live Lounge bring people in they are upcoming British music artists because their plan is to help as many struggling artists become better, because they are more local than the likes of Ariana Grande. Therefore, they play less world wide music and more of local music artists than the average Radio does, including the rest of BBC. For example; Wizard which is an original song by the original artist, Rebecca who is from Yorkshire. They talked about issues in teens and young adults in the episode we listened to, mentioning self-esteem which can be a big issues in the younger part of the age range if not all of the age range. 
Monday 23rd January 2023

Question One
1. Who regulates Radio in the Uk?


2. Who owns radio 1?

The BBC.

3. What is Public Service Broadcasting?

Broadcasting for the benefit of the public rather than the station or profit.

4. Vertical Integration?

Question two.
An advantage for audiences of listening to ' Live Lounge', is the story is brand new, and it is still fresh and is a current event rather than a past event, it is very easily accessible from your home, your car or anywhere on the go, and is useful to listen to it Live rather than be behind on whatever news or event it mentions. Despite being easy to access online when it's live it is also just as easy to access it later on from the online content app of BBC, this is useful because the target age of Live Lounge is 15-29 year olds which is more likely to be busy when they decide to host the live lounge during the day and is more likely to attract older listeners. 

Question three
The producers of radio programmes target different audiences by having different varieties of music which is more likely to attract a listener of a certain target age range. For example, the Radio One Live Lounge, target 15-29 year olds, which are young adults so they use certain presenters who are also in this age range who are comfortable and educated on the issues and music they might encounter whilst on the Live lounge; they also talk in a way that normal relaxed 15-29 year olds would to make it easier to trust and makes you a lot more likely to listen to it. An example of this is, "Big up" which they use on an occasion to encourage someone that they are doing well in a way that is more well known to younger people. They listen and make music that people who are in the target age of 15-29 years old are more likely to listen to like pop, rock, remixes, and even some mash ups throughout the mix of covers and original songs from artists that are sometimes well known but normally not well known, because Live Lounge is always trying to find new way to promote up and coming younger and newer British artists. Artists like Romy are new artists who just got out of bands and its the first time they are preforming alone with a new and a mashup song, and they feel comforted by the presenters who are there to support them and promote them. 
Music Videos
Thursday 26th January 2023

Music Videos

What would you expect to see in a music video?
-Lip syncing.
-Main characters in the narrative being the band.
-A matching song lyrics and narrative.
-Dancer [forward & background]
-Playing instruments.
-Flicks between story and the main singer/band playing the song.
-Lots of lights in pop music videos.
-Usually areas and studios.

Lo; to explore this section of the unit and research chosen case studies.

Case study 1

Avril Lavigne - 'Sk8er Boi' - 2002
Wheatus - 'Teenage Dirtbag' - 2000

Sk8er Boi:
Artist - Avril Lavigne
Name of song - 'Sk8er Boi'
Genre - Alt/punk pop.
Date of song release - 9th September 2002
Song narrative - A story in the point of view of a singer who sings about her punk rock boyfriend and a girl who he used to know who rejected him because he was a punk and she did ballet, and was a total snob, now he's a rockstar and rich, and she is a single mother because she judged a book by a cover. 
What happens in the video - They try to put posters up about her band and a illegal concert in the middle of the new york street and it is broadcasted to show that the girl who rejected the guy really did miss out on it all.
Who features in this video - Avril Lavigne, and other male skateboarding actors. 

Teenage dirt bag:
Band - Wheatus
Name of song - Teenage dirt bag
Genre - Rock
Date of song release - June 20th 2000
The song is about -the lead vocalists and song writers childhood and experiencing a homicide on his street by a teenager, and because he dressed like the guy who did a satanic ritual murderer in his town, teachers and parents and cops acted as if he was a satanic worshipper, when he was only 10 years old, so its about being judged for how you dress or look, therefore that's the background of the song.

What happens in video - A guy dreams about a  popular girl noticing him, aka the band nerd and picking him over the selfish jock, then he wakes up from his dream.

Who features in this video - the lead vocalist Brendan B. Brown, Mena Survari, Jason Biggs.

Sk8er Boi Lyrics

He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a punk
She did ballet

What more can I say?
He wanted her
She'd never tell
Secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends
Stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth
Five years from now
She sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone
She turns on TV
Guess who she sees
Skater boy rockin' up MTV
She calls up her friends
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along
And stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Sorry, girl, but you missed out
Well, tough, luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside
He's just a boy
And I'm just a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
We are in love
Haven't you heard
How we rock each other's world
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know

Teenage Dirtbag Lyrics

Her name is Noelle
I have a dream about her
She rings my bell
I got gym class in half an hour
Oh, how she rocks
In Keds and tube socks
But she doesn't know who I am
And she doesn't give a damn about me
'Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby
Yeah, I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby
Listen to Iron Maiden, baby, with me, ooh
Her boyfriend's a dick
And he brings a gun to school
And he'd simply kick
My ass if he knew the truth
He lives on my block
And he drives an IROC
But he doesn't know who I am
And he doesn't give a damn about me
'Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby
Yeah, I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby
Listen to Iron Maiden, baby, with me, ooh
Oh, yeah, dirtbag
No, she doesn't know what she's missin'
Oh, yeah, dirtbag
No, she doesn't know what she's missin'
Man, I feel like mold
It's prom night and I am lonely
Lo and behold
She's walkin' over to me
This must be fake
My lip starts to shake
How does she know who I am?
And why does she give a damn about me?
I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby
Come with me Friday, don't say maybe
I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby, like you
Oh, yeah, dirtbag
No, she doesn't know what she's missin'
Oh, yeah, dirtbag
No, she doesn't know what she's missin'...

The purpose of the 'Teenage Dirtbag' video was that you don't have to fit in and be like everyone else to be liked, it matches the theme of the Loser movie that the video is taken from, with the same actors. It was done to promote the image of the band, "Wheatus," as it was their first debut. It also promoted and conveyed the meaning of the song. 

There are two main types of music video; 

The teenage dirtbag narrative matches the song lyrics and it focuses on the video and the band are the ones playing at the school prom, they aren't the main characters, the actors from the 'Loser' movie are.

Sk8er Boi:

- Lip-syncing
-Live performance
-main focus on artist
- preform to camera
-Video shows story
Thursday 2nd February 2023
Lo; to examine the use of media languages in music videos.

 Mise -en - scene:
-Hair & Make up
-Performance : ( Positioning, facial expressions, body language).

They use the costume in Beyonce's song to make it seem like she is a strong and brave soldier shown through the camouflage costume they use. This means that her relationship was a battle and will just be another battle scar that she will over come, because it wasn't strong enough to hurt of kill her. 

The mis-en-scene suggest that the genre of this music is hip-hop or pop, because the men involved are all hispanic/ black, therefore this would stereotypically oppose the usual stereotypes for this race, however in the music video they are featured as rich and wearing gold chains and nice colourful clothes, along with the rich looking hotel or background shown in the short clip.

Taylor Swift sits in a bath-tub of diamonds and in an expensive bathroom to create the image of a rich and successful music artist. 

Skater boy:


The spray paint represents the fact that they are punk rocks and they are teenagers and up to no good and lots of mischief. Therefore they are creative, bored and a little bit wild, so spray painting is part of the punk rock teenage character.



Teenage Dirtbag

Monday 6th February 2023
 BBC Live Lounge 

The Exam

The music section of paper 2 has 5 questions. 
Questions 1,2 & 3 could be on radio.
We'll look at the format and possible questions.
However many marks there are per question is how many minutes you should spend on the questions.

Question one:
A media conglomerate.

Question one:
Vertical Intergration.

Question one:
The Tv License.

Question Two:
Radio One targets their audience in different ways, for example they target 15-29 year olds by using more recent and current music and more pop and rock genres, they do this by spending time looking at songs that are more likely to be appreciated and listen to by younger listeners than pensioners or middle aged people. They also use younger presenters that would use more commonly known younger slang like, "that's sick," instead of amazing, and that would talk about more, "teenage," topics than they would if the target age was, 35-49, instead of 15-29 years old, as the target age.

Question Two:
Music radio stations can meet the requirement of the public service broadcasting, (PSB). For example; the BBC Radio Live Lounge meet the requirement of the public service broadcasting, (PSB), by having presenters with an outgoing and overall likeable personality rather than someone who can't host the radio or talk nicely to people. The PSB requires that the presenters keep the audience entertained rather than remain unlikeable and lose viewers for the BBC and The Live Lounge. 

Question Two:
One way in which radio audiences are passive is that they use past times and just listen to the radio and some radio stations allow you to listen to what was being said on a past radio session, as well as listen online and through an actual radio. A way in which radio audiences are active is that most radio stations allow people to tune in and talk live to the hosts which is pretty intimate and connective for the people who can then express what they choose or answer what is being asked rather than having to listen and having no one and nowhere who you can express your opinions rather than being force fed someone else's take on the topic. 

Question Three:
BBC Radio has to provide a wider range of content than a commercial radio, because they have to attract viewers and because BBC is relied on for constant travel updates, and current affairs mentioned, they also have a wide range of content because there are more people who live in different areas and live different lives that want to be included when being talked about and mentioned where they live because they want to be just as important in the generalisation of who and where the BBC talk about or broadcast. This is because instead of the usual commercial radios, they broadcast country wide rather than city or county wide because they are for Britain not just London or Cornwall, or anywhere else. This is because no matter where you live, you will still want travel updates or current affairs to be directed towards you rather than being deflected towards just London, as it is a big city and the capitol city. The BBC radio provides a wider range of content than a commercial radio does by not just targeting one area of the big country, and focusing on other places as well as the capitol city. However, this is not to say that they don't focus a big part of their time on London, because they do. However, the BBC Radio Live Lounge includes people from all over Britain, by getting singers that are up and coming British artists, having British presenters, having a range of top artists from Britain played so there is typically a song that you might like played.

Monday 27th February 2023
Lo; to reflect in areas to improve in the assessment.

Conglomerate: a large company which owns other companies.

Diversification: adding other areas of business/ owns a radio station as well as a music magazine. 

Explain one way that radio station targets their audience use the radio 1 live lounge as an example in your answer.

   Music radio stations meet the requirements of the PSB by using a license fee for the funding of the station. Some use advertisements to get funding for the stations but Radio one uses the TV license that anyone who buys a tv has to pay to the BBC even if you don't watch or use the channel. 

Question 3
- BBC Radio provides a wider range of content than commercial radio for several reasons.
- Firstly radio 1 provides a range of music aimed for the target audience of 15-29 year olds.
-The example is due to the remit and in particular must release newer music and moe present music. 
- We can identify this in the liv👷e lounge through Sam Smith and 

Thursday 9th February 2023
Lo; to examine the use of media language in music videos.

Do now:
-Set in a supermarket; shown through her going down the aisles and getting food to put in her shopping basket. (Setting)
-The colourful clothes, and fun clothes links tot he pop music and lyrics about dancing and having fun. (Costume)

Two elements that reflect the genre of Skater Boi is that it is filmed or set in the street and reflects skater teenagers, and rock band kids. Another is the studded bracelets the girl wears which show punk rock and relates to the punk rock or punk pop.

Avril Lavigne and her friends are dressed like punk pop teenagers. This is achieved by using punk rock bracelets and clothes that were famous and popular at the time of those fashion trends. This could suggest to the audience that she is not very feminine or studious, this shows that she is rebellious. In Avril Lavigne's music video it is set in the  big city. We know this as we are shown shots of skating, setting up bands, car journeys, and other obstructions.

Jason Biggs dressed like a total nerd, and is wearing a weird hat which would make him seem unpopular, he also has a baby face and is wearing just a loose t-shit and a trench coat, therefore he gets bullied.

The singer is also dressed nerdy, with a large oversized t-shirt even though he's pretty scrawny and it's an unattractive colour as well as a bucket hat that doesn't match no matter what outfit you wear and sunglasses that look like they are 2 pounds in Primark. 

The music videos for Avril Lavigne's Sk8er Boi and Wheatus' teenage dirtbag use setting and costume to achieve similar effects. For example Avril wears studded wrist bands which show punk and rebellious fashion that would have been popular under the skater boy fashion tag in 2002, however, Teenage Dirtbag was a stereotypical geek with the long ugly coat and the ushanka-hat that looks weird because it can't even be that cold in the music video because it's fall at most, because everyone else is wearing skirt and they aren't cold at all. 

Thursday 23rd February 2023

Lo; to explore how camera work is used to create meaning in music videos. 

1. What are the connotations of the setting?
She is by herself alone in a field, the background looks dry and out of the way of other places. She is pictured in the middle of the frame with the background surrounding her to make her seem isolated. The setting seems bland and lifeless making her stand out although she still looks bland with a quite plain outfit because it's nothing extra compared to videos like Taylor Swift's and other ones that feature them wearing gold, and diamonds and expensive things rather than just a normal outfit like anyone else would wear. 

Camera-Work; Cinematography

Naturalistic: Most common style of camera work. shot are either fixed or handheld (for realism) or have subtle slower movement.

Expressionistic: More uncommon and artistic/creative use of camera shots and movement. Oftem shows extreme angles or quick movements. 

Shot name: POV
Why is it used?: To show point of view and focus on one person.
Why is it used here?: To show that she's importance and to show it's her point of view and not anyone else.

Shot name: Extreme long shot
whys is it used?: To show things from far away.
Why is it used here?: he's a loner, so they showed that no one was near him even though the frame was massive, and to show the sign about his saying "loser."

Shot name: long-shot
Angle name: high angle
Why used?: to make her look powerful and to show off that she has many fans. 

Sk8er Boi 
00.08 tilt
00.14 zoom
00.25 high angle

The camera movement in Sk8er Boi is expressive. for example at one point in the video there are many fast cutting scenes. the camerawork firs the tone of the song because both are upbeat and fast.

Thursday 9th March 2023 

LO; to explore how sound & editing are used to create meaning in music videos.


Sound is divided into two types; Diegetic & Non-Diegetic

Diegetic - sounds that are in the scene, which the characters in the film can hear. 

Non Diegetic - sounds that are added and not in the scene, which the characters in film can't hear.

Diegetic sounds in Skater Boi are;

- The sounds of the spray cans at the beginning of the music video. This is to draw attention to sign of their illegal concert logo for the grafiti that was sprayed on the wall; which has connotations of rebellion and teenage chaos.

-The sound of the helicopter in the music video shows that it's 

Two types of editing:

Linear- Events are editing and presented in a chronological order which is more traditional as well as cinematic.

Non-linear - has out of order cut scenes and editing, no clear distinction of time; abstract and expressionistic style. 

Skater boy has faster pace and more cuts I think this is the case because the people who designed the music videos decided to make the cuts fit the beat of the music because then it would link the sound, scene and video together nicely rather than having random everything. 

Teenage dirt bag has longer shots because it is a slightly slower song with a more detailed narrative compared to Skater boy which doesn't have as much story line as TDB as it is from a music video made from scenes from the 2000's movie 'Loser.'

Both of the music videos; Skater boy & Teenage Dirt Bag cut to the beat of the songs to link the scenes together with the song. 

The pace of cutting is kind of fast for teenage dirtbag but for Skater boy it is much faster than it because skater boy has less of a narrative. 

Exam Questions:
One of the ways that a music video uses mise-en-scene to differentiate this music video from another one is by picking the outfits, settings, and even narrative and making them personal to that very music video or music genre to match the theme and idea of the specific music video in question, which may also include matching the lyrics of the song itself that the music artist is singing. For example; Sk8r Boi is set in a busy city in America possibly New-York and each character is in a punk or even goth style of outfit to resemble the idea of them all being rebellious teenagers or even trouble makers. Another point is that the narrative of this specific music video is the setting up and performance of an illegal concert in the middle of the street in the "busy city", using the sign of a pentagram furthermore showing the fact that they are up to no good as this symbol has connotations of evil, the devil and even demons.

Thursday 23rd March 2023
Traditional Gender Stereotypes

Objectification; The action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object.

Sexual Objectification; Sexual objectification is when a male/female views another male or female primarily as an object of sexual desire rather than as a person.

Example; boys go on social media more than boys, but boys play games online more often.

-Typically casual and 'punk', clothes.
-Gender stereotypes, opposites.
-Loose tie, signifies rule breaker.
-Dare devil, riding a bike inside.
-Cracked plaster, shows grunge vibe, popular vibe back in early 2000's music.
-Big crowd, signifies she's popular and looked up to.
-Close up to her face, shows grunge make-up.
- Punk hand symbol, popular at the time.
- Police car, riot, shows law breaking, and possible passion.
- Sped up scene, fighting, and craze, showing they are 
-Spot light on her showing her as a halo, and a godlike person.
- Realistic, setting, and costume, opposes normal female gender music video stereotypes, shows her as relatable and "normal". 
- Romantic narrative of heteronormative, to seem quirky but still accepted in the early 2000's.
-Predominantly white film cast, even though it's filmed in a diverse urban area.

Skater Boi
Avril Lavigne; She is shown as naughty and rebellious, as most punk rock 'legends' typically are. 

Punk Rock Genre; Shown as rebellious and grunge, such as black music and loose ties.

Teenagers; Mischievous and badly behaved as well as uncaring for school and rules.

Urban Setting;  Normally diverse however not being it in the music video, lacks the diversity in races, showing predominately white people in the music video.

Gender; She breaks gender roles by wearing the opposite of typically women in music videos would wear, she wears loose clothing and dresses like the men do in the music video instead of in skirts, and crop tops and typically considered "girlie" clothing. 

Sexuality; It features the narrative of a heterosexual or straight relationship, for male and female rather than a girl and a girl or even boy and a boy, to break the sexuality norm of this time of most narrative music videos having the story line of a girl and a boy. 

Teenage Dirtbag
The Band; The band in teenage dirtbag are represented as silly and fun in the respect that they are kind of careless and quirky.

The Male & Female Protagonists; The male & female protagonists are polar opposites in the respect that she is popular and he is the nerd, who her boyfriend bullies, and she doesn't seem to notice the male protagonist until prom.

Ethnicity; They are both white, and pretty much everyone else in the music video is also white, clearly based in America, which makes no sense considering how diverse America typically is. 

High School; the high school is shown as a boring background and lifeless, the only thing that seemingly happens is the bullying, however the corridors seem busy and crowded and communal.

Teenage Stereotypes; they have the typical high-school stereotypes of a male nerd and popular queen bee girl.

Gender; the gender is stereotypical where the 'ugly' boy, gets the 'pretty' girl without any work, as if she is some sort of prize for being bullied. 

Sexuality; This features a traditional heterosexual relationship, where there's a teenage boy and teenage girl who are opposites and matching up when they clearly have nothing in common. 

Thursday 30th March 2023
Lo; To explain the construction and presentation in music videos

Skater Boy:
1. Love is represented as a competition and is strictly heterosexual.
2.Teenagers are presented as troublesome and rebellious. 
3. Women are presented as tomboys and not different from the boys.
4.The ethnicity is basically all white.
5. The artist is represented as the centre of attention and a tomboy.
6. Teenage values of messing around and having fun are shown.
7.The background is a city, and a teenage street rave, the girl is the main singer, normally a man.

Teenage Dirtbag:
1. Love is a stereotypical american opposites attract teenage binge movie. Also heterosexual.
2. Young, and stupid when it comes to love, cringe.
3. Women are presented as a prize for the most worthy guy.
4. Majority white. 
5. The artist are presented as the band playing at the high school prom, throughout cutscenes.
6. The teenage values are love, and popularity.
7. The stereotypical high school, with the stereotypical american high school groups, jocks and nerds and popular girls. 
Thursday 20th April 2023
Practice On Exam Style Questions
Lo; to explore and practice exam style questions.

4 Mark Questions
Compare how gender representations are constructed in music videos.
Refer to two music videos you have studied to support you answer. 

- Avril Lavigne is not pictured as a stereotypical feminine character, she is not depicted showing much skin or, wearing a dress which is seen as a particularly feminine outfit. She is dressed exactly the same as the men in the video, in baggy t-shirts and baggy trousers, this is to show she isn't a damsel and doesn't need to be stereotypically feminine to be considered 'attractive'. She has full length shots and is shown as the more powerful one, compared to the damsel that the girl in Teenage Dirtbag is shown as. 

-On the other hand, the girl in teenage dirtbag is dressed very feminine, normally dressed in short skirts and feminine clothes such as cardigans, for example in the scene where they are bullying the geek, she is wearing a skirt, and tights and has her hair tied up, this could be to add to the fact she is seen as more of a prize than an actual human being because she is pictured as stereotypically feminine and shown as an attempt to make her more damsel like. 

10 Mark Questions
Explain how stereotypes are used in music videos. Refer to two music videos you have studied to support your answer. 

Music Video producers use stereotypes because they are very easy for an audience to recognise, and therefore, identify a character by how they look, dress and act.

-In Teenage Dirtbag they have have stereotypes like the Jock and the Geek. The jock does not need to be introduced and shown playing sports, because he is first pictured walking down the corridor with his jock friends and he himself creates a big character, in the way that everyone seems to clear a path and either worship or act scared of him. Creating the basic feeling of him being in control and him being the bully. The jock also has the popular and dream girl girlfriend. The way he dresses is particular in the way that he is almost always pictured in the varsity letterman jacket, this shows he is into sports, and clearly plays it, probably playing American Football. 

-In Teenage Dirtbag they also use the stereotype of a "Geek". As usual the geek is awkward and always chasing after the girl. The geek being the main character shows that he is constantly dressing and acting out of place with his peers. He wears browns and other dark colours as well as a very stereotypically weird hat. The geek also acts very weird with his peers, constantly trying to impress other people and girls and failing miserably, resulting in them making fun of him more. 

-In Skater Boy, they also subvert stereotypes in the way that Avril Lavigne herself is not a very stereotypically feminine character. They do this by, giving her darker colours, and making her wear baggy trousers and loose t-shirts. This is the very opposite of what a stereotypical girl would wear. This could show that she fits in rebellious teenage boys, as they are all depicted wearing almost exactly what she is wearing, defeating stereotypical gender roles in clothes. 

-In Skater Boy they use the stereotypical teenage boy, in the way that most of the boys in the video are doing something they probably shouldn't be doing. This suggests that the boys in the video are depicted as troublesome and rebellious, as the teenage stereotype shows. 

Tuesday 14th November 2023

Do now:
1. Who owns Radio One?
2. Who fund BBC?
Tv license 
3. Who regulates Radio?
4. What is PSB radio?
Public service broadcasting ( public benefitting)
5. What are the two types of radio?
Commercial, Public service.

Live Lounge Recap
Lo; to research the case study and annotate in detail the examples from the vase study. 

Olivia Dean

Episode Dater:
14th October 2023

Songs: original and over:
Dive - Original
Cuff it - Beyonce

Guest info:
-Ex Band member {rudimental, has been on live lounge with them}
-Talented singer
-Supported background
-Loves Beyonce

Quotes from the show to remember:
"you're a joke"
"voice of an angel"

Appeal to  TA:

Inform, entertains & educate?

Innovative & cutting edge new UK music?
supporting UK music by playing Uk artist in-between artists cover and original song.

The music appeals to the audience. It appeals by meeting the target grade and intriguing them in the variety of scientifically correct suggested music. the targeted audience is 15-28 year olds. another way radio 1 appeal is having multiple channels and having live shows and music that is scientifically created for the age of 15-28 year olds ( young people)
Commercial radio profits off of thing like adverts instead of having live performances
The audience for commercial radio are people who are more likely older because they aren't interested i local singers who and not doing live performances.
Commercial radio appeals to the audience with popular music that isn't specifically with the "times".
Tuesday 28th November 2023

Music video

Media language
-Camera work -hand held camera low angle, high angle, canted angle, ariel shots.
-Editing - juxtaposition, fast pace editing
-Mise en scene - location, pace
-Sound - music, diegetic sound, non diegetic sound. 
Tuesday 23rd January 2024
Do now
1. Film- BBFC
2. TV & Radio - Ofcom
3. Advertising - ASA
4. Magazines & Newspaper - Ipso
5. Video Games - VSC ( Video standards council)

Mock Dirt

Lo; to review and reflect on the PPE and to make a target to achieve.

Section A : Music
Question Two - 3/4:

Content of music; to attract an older audience, a radio station could play older music or have a set program to feature music from the 60's & 70's. 

Style of presentation; a younger presenter may use slang when speaking to appeal to a younger audience, for example in radio one live lounge they talk using slang because they know it may appeal to the younger audience who they are targeting to get those target people to listen to the BBC Live lounge. For example they used things like "big up."

Question Three 6/10:

Themes & Issues.
Teenage Dirtbag
Alienation, exclusion, school life, teenage heartbreak and bullying. 

Exclusion shown from him being constantly alone whereas everyone else is in groups with people they are friends with, showing he is excluded and has no friends.

Bullying, canteen scene, he's eating alone and is being made fu n of and having things thrown at him. 

Question Four - 4/5:
Social group - a group of people (age, religion, culture, rich , poor, ethnic background.)

Representation aren't colour palettes  & typography, they are age and gender & also ethnicity.

Differences & Representations
Old vs young
Female vs Male

Question Five - 5/15

If it says "how far..." it needs to have a conclusion.

Model Introduction:
Extracts 1 & 2 use media language differently to show difference messages & values.

Model Conclusion: 
In conclusion the media language used is very different in fonts, colour palette and the lexis. This creates very different values and messages .

What is different?: 
{Talk about what is different between MOJO and Gramophone.}
-Main image
-Colour palette

Question Eight  - 4/4:
-Certain awards are not given to movies that do not publish in cinema before streaming online.

Question Nine - 6/10:

Video game released first, more promotion and audience awareness. Wider audience, using older viewers to use the video game and using younger vieweres fro the movie . Extends joy  and infatuation with the movie and video game because it does not end after 1 & 1/2 hours, it continues until you get bored or complete the game which can takes days. 

Question Ten - 3/10:

Convention: what is expected.
In a movie; the conventions are to be introduced the the characters and the best bits of the movie . normally a voice over, key information { inter titles} telling you things like release dates.
Action film; expected city setting, chases, big buildings, explosions.
Must explain how the lego movie odes all of this. 



  1. 26/9- Not enough detail in your note taking for Radio 2, you need to do it again.

  2. 14/11- Great work from today. T: 1: explain how Radio 1 protects under 18s.

  3. 9/1- Some good ideas here but you digress from the question and the evidence you have to answer the question. T 2. You need to make sure you follow the structure to respond to the question that covers: the audience appeal, the example from the Live lounge, explain how it appeals to the audience, how it meets the remit.

  4. 6/2- Q3: Q3: Cover how and why R1 provide a wider range of content. Try to give alternative reasons as to why they provide more varied content and link to the remit. Compare this to commercial radio but give specific examples.


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