Lego Movie

Thursday 8th September 2022

Lego movie

LO; to understand the narrative and characters in the Lego Movie.

-Everything is made out of Lego.

-The main focus is obtaining a thing called the piece of resistance.

- Prophesy of the master builders.

-Taco Tuesday.

-Guy trying to fit in.


-Batman, but Lego.

What is it about; the Lego movie?

The movie is based off an 'ordinary guy, until he finds the 'piece of resistance' and finds out about all the other dimensions that are separated from the everyday worlds. The world is run by a selfish and greedy man who needs the prophesy dead and the piece of resistance in his hands so he knows his secret and plans are safe. He plans to destroy the world in three days on Tuesday. He meets Wyldstyle, Batman, and others; before they fight bad robot people and escape before getting caught. Lord Business then captures every single master builder and tries to glue every piece in place. Emmet jumps out the window to save everyone. He falls through a portal until he reaches basement, the real person, is playing with the lego until his dad comes home and finds him, they plan to glue everything in place, before the dad sees the son sad about it and sees how much fun he has, they play together, Emmet saves the day. The dad lets the kid play down there, but then at the end he says the kids sister can too. Then finally the Duplo attacks the normal lego. 

The end! 

Warner bros added Dumbledore, superman, batman, green lantern, and wonder woman amongst others.

They go to, middle Zealand, cloud cuckoo land, Bricks burg, lego city and others. 

A few main themes is everyone is special, individuality, creativity, etc. 

Thursday 15th September 2022

The Lego Movie: Industry Research

LO; to research the process, companies, and regulators behind the film industry. 

1. Production is creating something, when it's a movie, it's the filming, editing and other things.

-Distribution is giving the movie out, advertising it typically and showing it in cinemas, and to the public.

-Exhibition is when they sell the movie in shops, send it online and others. 

2. A media conglomerate is a media group/ media institution is a big company that owns numerous smaller companies, kind of like a franchise. This is involved in mass media enterprises, i.e music, Tv, Radio, Motion pictures, Publishing, theme parks, the internet. 

3. The people who regulate films in the UK are the British board of film classification. 

4. The lego movie is a U rating, i.e; it has mild language and use of animated fantasy action.

5. The video standards council regulated the video games in the UK. 

6. The lego movie video game is rated Pegi 4.

7. The main contributors are Lego, Universal pictures, and Warner Brothers.

8. Dan Lin directed the lego movie.

9. TT Fusion produced the lego movie video game.

10. The warner bros. conglomerate distributed the lego movie. 

11. The advertising standards authority regulates the lego movie. 

Thursday 22nd September 2022

Industry Research

Lo; to research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry.


Regulators are usually industry bodies that do one of two things:

1. Classify products (normally by age rating)

2. Ensures content of products meet acceptable standards. 

Regulations Questions:

1. It is important for film regulation to exist, because it stops things that could impact a child mental growth or terrify them in a movie, which could harm them. they could do this because it keeps every movie in the right age rating.

2. The BBFC changed its name because it was probably to hard to remember or hard to say, so it was shortened so they decided to use the shortened name because it kept. 

Narrative theory

Lo; to explore the narrative and apply narrative theory to the lego movie. 

How is the lego movie is a postmodernist film?

The Lego Movie is a postmodernist film because it challenges the character convention because it has the hero as an ordinary guy but the person you'd think to be the hero is not a hero. WyldStyle is the 'damsel' but doesn't act that way at all, however, Emmet aka the hero is now the one acting like one. The Hyper-realism is the fact it's animated, and nothing about it is nearly true because its made of fake scenarios, and about a children's toy. I

 It faces real things, like Capitalism, power, over priced coffee and the impact/ control that the media has over everyone. The Lego Movie has no official 'genre' because it has so many themes and important messages that it could never fit into the other themes.

Equilibrium- Emmet is a construction worker in ' Bricks burg'. 

Disruption- he meets wyldstyle and follows her.

Recognition Of The Disruption - The police chase them through the worlds.

Attempt to solve the disruption - They fight the people and escape capture.

New Equilibrium- They defeat lord Business. 

Thursday 28th September 2022

Propp's Spheres Of Action


The Hero: Emmet, because he is the one who stops the guy in the end. 

The Villain: Lord business, because he tries to make everything perfect and us the piece of resistance against them all.

The Donor: Vitruvius, because he makes up the story of the special.

The Helper: Master builders or Wyldstyle, because they all try to help out.

The Princess: The Piece Of Resistance or Emmet.

The Dispatcher: Wyldstyle or Vitruvius because they tell him the story and make sure he knows what to do.

The Princess' Father: Emmet, or Lord business, or Vitruvius. 

The False Hero: Batman, he takes credit for everyone else's work. 


Vertical Integration

Vertical integration is where one big company owns lots of others like warner brothers owns TT fusion and others, therefore you don't have to split the profits with the other companies, because it all goes to the big, main company. Two benefits is it increases profits, by keeping all the money in one company instead of having to pay lots of other companies. Another is it makes it increases exposure of a brand or franchise because it's name is on more companies, and it is much more expanded and advertised that way, therefore more people will read the name or read about it, spreading it around the world, and increasing the companies money and popularity all at the same time. 

Thursday 6th October 2022

Target audience:

They target an audience split into these three parts: 

- Young kids who play with lego. 

- Parents who played with it when they were kids.

- Young adults cinema-goers. 

Explain 'how' the movie appeals to each part of the target audience: 

- Young kids who play with Lego, because it's all about Lego. 

- Parents who played with it when they were too young to, so they can support or help the kids get into lego, or play with it.

- Young adult cinema-goers. 

- Everyone by any gender can go to see it, because characters appeal to anyone. 

Clever Advertising

-The building blocks of success are; The Lego Movie is a 'great movie for kids'. 

-Lego added well know characters to the movie to prove 


Lo; to explore marketing & promotions of the lego movie to link the methods used to the target audience 

Ways Lego Advertised The Lego Movie:

-Posters outside cinema


-Social Media



-Interviewing cast

-17 Lego sets



-Sneak Peaks 

-16 Collectable toys.


-Video Game

-School supplies

-Sticker and activity book.

-Lego land 

-Character posters 

-Lego movie events in lego stores

-Free accessory packs in stores

-Make lego versions of themselves

'In Dancing on Ice at 7:27pm on Sunday 9th February 2014 - five days before the movie launched- ITV broadcast a world first, ad break made out of entirely Lego.'

The ads were made for British heart foundation,, BT, and premier Inn. 

The media campaign is successful because the industry viewers loved the new lego adverts more than the original repetitive adverts. This is because its more funny, and interesting than ordinary people doing this. 1.1million people searched online for this ads. This brought the total views to over 7.1million in addition to all the numbers. Lots of people of all ages enjoyed the short but enjoyable adbreaks because it wasn't boring like normal, it encouraged people to stop using adbreaks as a toilet break or drink break when it came onto the tv. 

Thursday 3rd November 2022


Lo; to evaluate the methods used to market The Lego Movie; to link the methods to the target audience.

1. Warner Brothers choose to have their logo made from lego to fit the theme of a lego movie. 

2. If you see the trailer start with the Warner Brothers logo, you're more likely to pay attention to the whole trailer, and watch the movie because it's from a well known company. If the logo were at the end, people would just skip it without caring if it was a good movie. 

Equilibrium: Emmet watching Taco Tuesday on his Tv at his house.

Disruption: Lord Business threatens to put people to sleep and talks about Taco Tuesday.

Recognition Of Disruption: Emmet realises something isn't right when President Lord Business says, "or you'll be put to sleep."

Attempt To Solve Disruption: Emmet, Wyldstyle and the other master builders fight off Lord President Business with the people from the lego multiverse.

1. Given the length of the trailer, the Equilibrium and the Disruption are shown so fast because they are somewhat boring compared to the rest of the movie. So they get it out of the way without spoiling a lot so they can put a more interesting scene in. 

2. If the target audience is younger people, they need it to make sense quicker to establish the more important fun action parts that will keep their attention because theres a lot going on and the younger people will pay more attention and want to watch the actual movie.

Diegetic - Sound that the characters would hear in the film world. 

Non - Diegetic - Sound that only the audience can hear.

Inter - title - The text used between shots in the trailer.

Colour palette: The range colours used in a media text.

Shot Variety

There are several close-up shots of key characters so that everyone can see the characters and if they like the characters and how they look, they will be more inclined to watch the movie. They also look more powerful, making it known that they are the good guys. 

We also see establishing shots of various locations, because it creates the effect of adventure and diversity of location throughout the movie. 

The final scene shows a low angle shot of Wyldstyle and Virtuvius, so that they look more powerful and exciting, this shows they are important characters in the movie, they are the good guys. 

Diegetic dialogue is used to convey a sense of narrative by making people excited and confused as they only add a few bits of dialogue in. it leaks a few bits of the story to get people intrigued so that they watch the movie. 

The impact that diegetic sound such as explosions and gunshots have, to make it a lot cooler and exciting for younger and even teenage viewers, because its toys with action keeping you intrigued.

Non-Diegetic sound such as background music is used to create atmosphere by, adding bits that make it more exciting for the viewer without having to change the movie to fit the sound in a diegetic sound. 

The pace of the trailer and length of time between cuts creates a impact by making it dramatically change scene really quickly. They keep the scenes short to not leak extra information and keep it exciting and constantly change the scene.

The inter-title ' the top treat for half term.' would appeal to kids and parents of kids who want their kid busy for a little while.

The slow motion is used in some areas to create a better effect and use your concentration to help people concentrate on the key points and to add a more dramatic effect to the whole entire scene.

The various locations shown help to convey a sense of genre by giving the storyline so many different places and scenes to add depth to the trailer and to help the trailer have more scenes in different places instead of staying in only a few locations which would be boring for everyone.

The colour palette in the movie is bright and has a various amount of colours, every character have their own special colour palette. The bright colours help target kids because lots of kids like colour and bright things catch their attention.

The characters have their own costume colours and they reflect how they act and their personality. 

Thursday 10th November 2022

Explain how the lego movie trailer uses two elements of media language to target different audiences. 

One  element used in the lego movie in the movie trailer is mise-en-scene. For example the colour palette and style of the outfits for characters like wyldstyle. She has a style of a teenage goth/emo would at the time of 2014. This would attract the people, particularly girls of this time. 

Another element used in the lego movie in the movie trailer is mise-en-scene. For example the certain characters they have added to the trailer is "benny" which parents watching with their kids would know. Batman would also attract adults to watch because it's very appealing to the older and younger generations. 

The Lego Movie Video Game

Lo; to explain how vertical integration benefits companies; to analyse and  use gratification theory. 

1. The Lego Movie game developers are TT Fusion. 

2. The Lego Movie Video Game publishers are Warner Brothers

3. The Lego Movie was released on the 7th February 2014.

4. The genre is action adventure. 

5. The consoles and DS, then later on onto computer.

6. Multiplayer. 

Five Nights At Freddies.

Toy story

Lord of the rings

LEGO Batman Movie.

Simultaneous releases

The main reason people would play the Lego Movie Video Game is for entertainment purposes. This is because its a game and has cut scenes. It helps people enjoy it more and concentrate on it. 

Thursday 17th November 2022

Poster Campaign

Lo; to analyse the representations on the poster campaign. 

Denotation  & Connotation

Denotation: The literal thing that you see.

Connotation: Who they actually are.


-Four girls


-Faded bright lights

-Baseball bat


-Pink stains

-Scruffy outfits


Four troubled girls sat on a bench in the middle of the night dressed scruffily and covered in blood. Some of those girls are dead, three of them dead after a night of running from a cult of messed up patriarchal college frat boys. The floor is covered in the dead girls blood. Remake of the original Black Christmas from 1974. Horror rated age 15, due to gore and horror of psychopathic nature.

The Lego Movie Video Game appeals to both boys and girls because it has inclusive colours, pinks, red, blues, yellows. So people could feel included via their favourite colour. Lego became more inclusive for girls around the time this game was released. Another element that is attractive to both boys and girls is the lego logo, it looks cool, and any kid that sees it, would love it almost instantly. The font is blocky and easy to read so any person any age would be able to read it, whether its grandparents or parents buying the game for their kid or even their self, or a child buying it because they wanna play it, everyone can play it therefore more people will buy it and make more profit for warner brothers. The colour palette os red and blue with a yellow fade across the middle, making it hard to concentrate on just one thing therefore a younger child would be more inclined to buy it if given the chance. There are also many multi world characters, like batman, who is very well known even if you haven't watched the movies. There are so many other multiverse characters. The two most main characters are closest to the camera, making it known that they are the most important and that they should be focused on, the most. The villain is very clearly the villain and that would appeal to the younger kids, because he looks kind of cool and funny at the same time. The context of the video game is that it was released just before the movie which is just before valentines day. therefore you can go off and do your own thing whilst  the kids play the game. Another thing is, this is a cheap advertisement for the film when it's released, because if the kid loves the game their gonna want to watch the movie when it's in cinema, which gives the warner brothers much more profit. Another thing is, this keeps the kids occupied in the February half-term. They use a low film shot so that they can make Emmet look more powerful.
Thursday 24th November 2022


Lo; to analyse the representations on the poster campaign. 

Genre codes & conventions - the typical features can symbolise a genre. For example, a genre convention of sci-fi films is that they are often set in outer space.

Hybrid - When a film mixes elements of different genres. 

Iconography - the visual elements, like props. that help to symbolise a particular genre. For example, iconography of a western film may include cowboy hats, guns and horses. 

Intertextuality - when the one text references another. For example, the use of Batman in The Lego Movie. 

Explain how 'The Lego Movie' theatrical poster is constructed to appeal to its target audience. - 3 different areas - 10 marks. 

One way that Warner Brothers targets multiple audiences is the range of characters. There are enough good characters that can target the main characters. The first age range is typically   5-11, this could be achieved with a few characters, but in particular characters like Uni-kitty. Uni-kitty is a unicorn and a cat, so for a little girl and quite possibly a little boy it would be very entertaining and exciting to see a cat with a unicorn horn on its head, this could encourage a young child to visit the theatre to watch the movie, or quite possibly to buy merchandise or dvds. The poster itself is bedazzled with bright colours and littered with creation, and inspiration. This could attract both children and parents to watch the movie, because kids like to make a mess and parents would just like that their child was learning how to be creative and gaining said inspiration that, they would be interested in something other than technology and online games. 

Another target audience that this could reach is the young teenagers, around 11-15. This is because when the movie was released in 2014, it was common for teenage goth girls. This is most probably where the character style of wyldstyle came from. She is dressed in black, but also vivid blue and pink. Her hair is paired with a side fringe that most teenage girls had at this time. This could mean she's rebellious and doesn't play by the rules which would incites a rebellious moody teenage girl. Another character that could invite teenagers to watch the movie is lego Ninjago characters because they were still very popular during the time period this was teased about and released. This could invite them to watch because it means it features a character they know the face of.

Finally, parents would be intrigued to watch the movie because of Batman, he is shown on the foreground, along with the other superheros on the middle ground. The characters 'Green lantern' and 'Batman', even 'Wonder Woman' were still popular during the time they grew up. This would make them become interested, other than the fact that their child would want to watch it. This could convince them to visit the cinema to watch the family. Green lantern and wonder-woman, aren't as well known as batman, but they are known to most adults and teenagers, this could make them become more interested, even if it's just to take a closer look at the movie poster.  However, the movie looks put together and thought out, this could give people reassurance that this isn't such a bad movie and it has good values and quality throughout the movie; parents commonly complain about how their kids always want to watch age inappropriate movies and are taught bad morality throughout the movies. 

THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer GAME COVER ANALYSIS: WWW: you identified three different elements and explained their appeal EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent! WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal EBI: add in why parents would be attracted by the tagline

Thursday 1st December 2022

Analysis Dirt

Accurate spelling, punctuation & grammar.

Parents would be attracted to the tagline because it would give a positive message to their child, that to be successful or a hero you don't have to be special, or have any advantage. This could help the child have a great upbringing and become inspired or feel helpful in ways they wouldn't if the movie was about wyldstyle and how being special is so great and being boring makes you seem mundane and constantly in the way.

Thursday 8th December 2022
The Lego Movie: Representation

Lo; to analyse the representations throughout The Lego Movie promotional campaign.

Spencer: female, asian mixed-race, bisexual, DID, schizophrenia and addiction issues to alcohol and adderall  and dilaudid and adhd. 17

Hadley: female, white, straight, bulimia, ptsd, home issues, and depression. 16

Amara: female, b & w mixed race, home issues, straight, ptsd, and anger issues, bipolar.

Autumn: female, bisexual, white, ptsd, narcissistic, basic popular self obsessed girl, paranoia

Evelyn: non-binary, black, paranoia, lesbian, tomboy, anxiety, jock.    


 There are many elements that contribute to her overall stereotypical representation of the female gender, like; the pink accents of her outfit, and hair support her stereotypical representation of her gender. Another thing that contributes to her overall stereotypical representation is her outfit showing a kind of hourglass body figure even though she's just a lego character, alongside the lipstick she wears, and long eyelashes that suggest that girls wear make up and always have a constant body shape with wide hips and curves in all the right places, however we know this isn't at all true. 

There are many elements that contribute to her lack of stereotypical representation of the female gender, like; the blue oppositional colour. This is far more associated with a male than a female character, there are elements of this spread through her entire character. Another thing that contributes to her overall not fit to the stereotypical representation, is that her character is dressed in a black track-suit instead of a dress or a skirt which is typically associated with girls in movies. 

Age is represented through the movie posters by things like wrinkles, and whitening hair. It isn't shown through mental maturity but more physical maturity. The stereotype of having a middle aged villian is relatable for kids, because they feel as through someone their age can't have more power than them, however an adult who is older and much more superior could easily have more power than them in their mind. The way Virtruvius is dressed makes it seem as through he's trying to dress young to fit in with the much younger characters, despite the fact he's got long white hair, making it known he's very old, along side the obvious wrinkles all over him. 

Thursday 5th January 2022


Film - British Board of Film Classification.

Tv & radio - Ofcom.

Advertising - Advertising Standards Authority.

Magazines & newspaper - IPSO.

Video Games - The Games Rating Authority.

Question Format

-There will be probably be four questions in this section of the exam: two short answer and two longer answer questions.

-The first two questions will be general questions based on the Promotion Techniques.

-The longer questions will ask you to discuss the Lego Movie as an example. 

-A good rule is a mark a minute for the timings. 

Mark Question

-Will ask for a simple fact-based answer. which shows the simple knowledge of the film, Advertising or Video Games.

-It's more than likely to be on Media Industries, but it could be on any area.

Example question: Identify the organisation that 'age rates' video games in the UK .

4 Mark Question

-It is likely to be asked to 'give a reason why', which shows knowledge and understanding of the Film, Advertising or Video Games.

-Might be asked to refer to 'The Lego Movie,' 

-So two marks will be for an explanation and two will be for a detailed example.

-It is more than likely to be on the Media Industries, but could be on any area of the topic.

Example Question: Explain two reasons why a film company would release a video game linked to a film.

4 Mark Question

-Remember, the decisions were made to make the best profit. 

- Make sure you can link the industries to how they target the audiences.

- Referring to relevant media terminology will help get marks.

10 Mark Question

- This is a short essay question and will be expected to have support after your idea using 'The Lego Movie', as your example.

-It is most likely to be on Media Audiences, but could be on any area.

Example question: explain at least two uses and gratifications of video games using Blumler and Katz's theory. Refer to 'The Lego Movie Video Game', to support your answer.

Revision Tips: 

-Revise your audience theory (u&g and narrative theory).

- practice analysing the use of media language in the different products.

- in your analysis, remember some areas of media language may not be as relevant as others and there might be less to say about them

10 Mark Question

-This is the second short essay question and you will be expected to analyse the set products in relation to media language and/or representation. 

-You might also be asked to discuss their contexts.

Example question: Analyse how genre codes have been used in 'The Lego Movie Poster,' campaign to appeal to a family audience.


-The Tv Ad Break 

- The TV film Trailer

-The Poster Campaign.

- The Video Game.

-Media Language.


Media Language:







Exam style questions

Analyse how the 'Lego Movie Posters use stereotypes to create representations that are easily understood.

Analyse how the uses and gratifications offered by 'The lego Video Game are reflected in the cover.

The AD break for the lego movie was shown 7th February 2014, a week before the movie was first released. It was shown at about 19:10pm on ITV, where they recreated iconic adverts. This was when lots of people were watching this channel because it was half way through dancing on ice. 

Thursday 19th January 2023
Dirt lesson

Question 6:
Which company produced and distributed 'The Lego Movie'?

For question six I need to revise factual information involving The Lego Movie and terminology. 

1/1 marks.

Question 7:
Vertical integration is a common form of owner ship in the media industry. Explain TWO benefits of this type of owner ship for media companies.

For question seven I need to revise the difference and comparison of Horizontal Integration and Vertical Integration.

4/4 marks.

Question 8:
Explain how The Lego Movie promotional campaign targeted a range of audiences.

For question eight I need to revise and talk about the tv adbreak and video game in more detail rather than The Lego Movie promotional campaign. 

8/10 marks.

Question 9:
Analyse representations of gender in The Lego Movie poster campaign.

For question nine I need to revise how the gender is opposed rather than ignored throughout the poster campaign. 

5/10 marks.

Overall mark: 18/25.

Question Nine Re-write

The Lego Movie poster campaign represents gender via opposition. The stereotype when it comes to the gender of the characters are unexpected. Warner Brothers show this by making the female main character, Wyldstyle. Wyldstyle that's the more "masculine" role in the poster campaign as well as the movie. Although Emmet is the main male role, which would normally mean he is the hero, he is the character screaming and looks like he's running away from something, in opposition to Wyldstyle who looks like she is running towards something. Emmet is pictured front centre on the poster campaign showing he is the main character, however, Wyldstyle is pictured almost at his side showing that the female isn't behind he male and he isn't the one who's in charge. Normally girls are the ones who are pictured to be the ones screaming and scared, however, in the poster campaign, Emmet looks to be the one who is scared and constantly running away from things instead of a female main character, like Wyldstyle. Warner brother's switch the gender-roles making Emmet the basic damsel in distress rather than the typical weak female character. In the character poster, Wyldstyle is smiling whereas Emmet definitely* isn't. There is one main character who is a girl where as there are three boys on the character posters, the three men all seem mortified where the one female character poster seems happy and smiling as if there wasn't a worry in the world. This shows that girls can be just as strong and successful as boys which isn't as regularly shown as men being the heroes in these types of movies. This could be used to inspire people, especially young teenage girls and kids to not be scared to stand up to a boy or state what's right, because it is clear that Warner brother's tried to get the message across that gender doesn't define strength and ability and especially not intelligence. 

CONVERGENCE - Concentration of media ownership, also known as media consolidation or media convergence, is a process whereby progressively fewer individuals or organisations control increasing shares of the mass media.

NARRATIVE - In Media Studies narrative is how the story of a media text. is constructed 

Tentpole - In broadcast programming and motion pictures, a tent-pole or tentpole is a program or film that supports the financial performance of a film studio

Franchise - A media franchise, also known as a multimedia franchise, is a collection of related media in which several derivative works have been produced from an original creative work of fiction, such as a film, a work of literature, a television program or a video game.

AUDIENCE -media studies, the audience is any group of people who receive a media text, and not just people who are together in the same place.

CONGLOMERATE-A media conglomerate, media company, mass media conglomerate, mass media company, media group, media institution, or media concessionaire is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as music, television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.

Tuesday 5th December 2023
Do now;
1. Film regulator is BBFC { British board of film classification}.
2. TV & Radio is Ofcom. {Office of communications}.
3. Advertising is ASA { Advertising Standards Authority}.
4. Magazines & newspaper is Ipso {Independent press standards organisation}
5. Video Games is the video standards council.

Who are the audience?
YOung kids who play with lego.
Patrents of kids who used to play with lego.
Young adults ( 15-24 )

Uses & Gratifications:
Personal Identity 
Social interaction

We can tell the genre is action due to the city scrape and sky scrapers.


The police helicopters tell us that something crazy is going on which may intrigue and viewer to watch it to find out what the commotion is actually all about. 


The campaign produces a variety of teaser posters with a strong brand image. 
The characters in the posters include stereotypes but also attempt to reflect the context of greater gender equality. 


  1. Excellent notes Molly - you clearly understand the target audience, its appeal & the industry elements.


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