Magazine Front Covers

28/04/2022                                                           Thursday 28th April 2022

Magazine front covers 

Lo; To identify the features on a magazine front cover; to explore genre codes & conventions.


The Masthead is the title, normally placed at the top of the magazine, this includes the key information about the magazine.

The main image of the magazine cover is normally a well known celebrity or someone people would know, so that the reader would pick it up and read it.

The date line is the date the magazine was published. 

Cover lines; the text around the magazine, either quotes or information about the magazine.

The main coverline is information, key, takes up alot of the cover, biggest coverline, links to the image.

The price is how much it costs, in a small font under the title.

Tag line; A marketing message.

Pull quotes, quotes pulled from the magazine, to intrigue a reader.

-Most of their expressions are stoic and have no emotion showing.
-They are colourful but not vibrant enough to make the models look washed out.
-The shots are either mid, or close up.
-The font is basic but traditional fancy, to not over do it, but not make it bland to look at.
-They all follow the theme of being closely surrounded by cover lines with the masthead either in front of them or behind them.


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